What is London Decompression?

You must be a member of London Decompression to attend our events.  Membership is free.  

We are aiming to bring a little bit of that Playa magic to London. You’ll find all kinds of music and there will be a variety of art installations and performers. We have different rooms run by Theme Camps so there should be something for every taste and mood.

Somebody described it as “a little bit like a night on the playa (but with less dust) – everyone dresses up, there’s music for those who want to dance, and social areas for those who just want to chat or chill.”

Just like Burning Man and Nowhere, Decom is run entirely by volunteers and follows the 10 core principles. Make sure you know all about them.


We are looking for volunteers and a few leads – so please do get involved. Decom is made by YOU!