London Decom is a community of Burners who create radically inclusive events anchored in the principles of Burning Man.

Decom is 100% volunteer-run and a beautiful way to meet the community and participate.


Apply for a welfare shift, a ranger shift, a gate shift, or become a legend and sign up for strike! When you volunteer you become a part of the the magic, make new friends, and leave knowing that you made it happen.



You’re involved by being there, you can get more involved once you’ve become a member and bought your ticket.

There you’ll see an option to sign up for volunteer shifts, an essential part of the Decom experience.

Got an idea, or more to give?

Email us, and we’ll help make your dreams a reality.


The Community

London Decompression is built by our incredible community. There are burners around the world. You are not alone.

We have close connections to regional burns, including:

Burning Nest


London Burning Pub.

For more information on regional burns, see the Burning Man Regional Community Page

The burner community has the power to make a positive impact not only on the individuals who are part of it, but also on society at large. This is why London Decompression has decided to up the Leave No Trace game to Leave a Better Trace.

We want to honour the basic burner principle of leaving the environment as we found it, but why stop there when our community has such potential to leave a positive trace?

Examples of LBT include having a burn and planting trees in a place that has been desertified; creating art or facilities that can be used by the local inhabitants after you leave; awakening people to take further actions to protect and improve the environment or become activists.

This means our mission has expanded to include:

Reducing our environmental impact.
Educating the community on environment related issues.
Empowering the community to adopt more environmentally-friendly behaviour, both at burns and in daily life.

For what personal steps you can take to reduce your footprint, and advice for Theme Camps and Artists, please see our complete Leave a Better Trace Guide

Further reading

Greening your Nest – a guide to a greener Burning Nest, also very applicable to Decom
Ride Share form – find a ride, or offer a ride to reduce the impact from travel
Green Resources list – crowdsourced list of resources that can help with LBT
LBT on Slack – project management for London Decom LBT
LBT Decom Report (to be completed after Decom)